Michael won gold in USA Yoga’s 2023 National Championships, and silver in last December’s IYSF 2022 Yoga World Cup in Bangalore, India – Video above.
Yoga helped Michael realize that he is a being of love. Good news, you are too! Michael practices and teaches seeing the highest good in others. He is on a search for the miraculous. He lives, breathes, and loves Yoga. Sometimes he sticks his leg over his head on stage in India and receives silver medals. Seriously though, Yoga has changed his life… for the better, and he can show you how to have your own similar Spiritual experience.
Michael’s practice and classes are always centered on breath and mindfulness. He teaches several different styles; Vinyasa, Hatha (Bikram method), Restorative Yoga and meditation, but most importantly in EVERY class breath and mindfulness are paramount.
His signature style, called Unity Vinyasa, syncs the entire class in a state of flow, with a moving meditation linked to pranayama. Michael also infuses his class with practical spirituality which students use to bring the peace and focus of Yoga into other areas of their lives. Being a part of his class is an unforgettable experience. Don’t take our word for it. Listen to what his students have to say!
When not on the mat, Michael writes about Yoga. Three volumes of collected writings of Yoga and spiritual insight, Month of Miracles, is available for download here, and he posts his Yoga writings on Instagram regularly. @michaelmiraclesyoga
Michael’s classes are powerful, highly effective and most importantly, fun! Michael’s philosophy is that of Namaste: UNCONDITIONAL LOVE ALL.
By bringing attention to what Yoga really is and how it works for us, Michael helps his students to transcend the physical practice and make positive shifts in their lives.
Sign up for Unity Vinasa Online now and see what his students are talking about now!
Last but not least, Michael is now leading his very own Unity Vinyasa teacher training. His training program helps his students transform into teachers to help expand the reach of this highly effective method and philosophical framework to more and more people. Click here to learn more and signup!
He’s also a musician and a singer. As a performer, he has opened up for national acts such as The Flaming Lips, Wiz Khalif, and Andrew WK. check out his current band Michael Miracles and Love Evolution .
“Students learn to look at themselves and one another from a more compassionate and accepting perspective.”
— Kristy